Michael Burkhardt

May is Weblog Posting Month!

When Anne first proposed a month-long blogging challenge I immediately balked. There’s no way I can write a post every day for a month! But after giving it a bit of thought I figured I’d give it a go. So here’s my plan.

Instead of a single theme for the month, I’m going to more of a theme-a-day sort of thing. Here’s what I’m thinking about doing:

Day Theme Notes
Mon Mindful Monday My mind, that is.
Tue Tech Tuesday Webby, techy things.
Wed Whimsical Wednesday Stuff I like
Thu Throwback Thursday Writing and photos from the archives
Fri Foto Friday Can I take ONE bloody photo every week? We’ll see.
Sat Saturday Scraps Leftovers and misfits
Sun Sunday Summary My weeknotes posts

Okay the alliteration is kinda lame, but it just sorta happened that way. I’m not in the habit of writing every day so I hope the variety will give me a boost. We’ll see how this goes. I’m hoping it’ll be fun. See you back here soon for my first Whimsical Wednesday post.

Update: It’s official! I’m participator #16!

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